

Living Now

Welcome back!
I hope all is well with you today...

Yesterday I was talking with you about events from early childhood shaping our thoughts and future behaviors. I really want to emphasize the idea of NOT reliving or re-experiencing our childhoods. We must examine them for the times where we made those Mind-altering emotional decisions. Thought-events that were so strong that the very idea is still with us today, coloring our Now. Don't ignore them for that's when we are blinded to the effect we have on ourselves. Let us just be aware of what/where/when/why happened, then we'll set a course to change our Mind.
Here is a book that really helped me in the process Psycho-Cybernetics, A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life.
until next time...mind your Way


Finding the Way

Good day and I hope that all is well with you!

   Today I'd like to share a little of the genesis of my search for wholeness and truth. From the time I can remember I have always felt there to be a higher power. I'll refer to this as The One from now on. I grew up in the Judeo-Christian belief system so I called it God for the longest time (I don't believe it matters the title you give as none of these can encompass what The One is!). This sufficed for my little seven year old mind. I really felt the oneness with The One. This is about the time that the Mind starts to exert influence in our lives. We start to see cause and effect even though we're not really aware of the profound implications it has. I distinctly remember having situations that I "knew" would permanently affect my life...but not having the wisdom to know how. I just had knowledge at that point, and I feel that this knowledge was from The One. A case in point would be from an incident that happened when I was seven years old and going to yet another school (Dad was in the military so obviously we moved a lot...more on that later). I had always been an outgoing kid and made friends easily. This year was no exception but as kids get older they start the usual  gamut of teasing/bullying. There were two kids that really, really took a disliking to me. No problem,as this wasn't the first time this had happened, but it was the first time that my friends were influenced and decided to join in with these guys instead of having my back. Whoa did this blow my little mind away! Unfortunately I decided (with intense emotion behind it...that's THE important thing) to not trust people as much and to not let anyone get too close again. Imagine that! At only seven, making a decision that would have such far reaching implications on the rest of my life/mind. In that moment a small voice told me that this would affect me permanently. I can now only attribute this to The One. I couldn't have possibly known this otherwise. The emotions that I felt were so strong as to have lifelong blinders put up in my mind.
   I'll end my post for the day. I really want you to think about the affect that your emotions have on your thoughts. I hope this get's you to think and examine yourself. Tomorrow I'll continue. Until then...

Be well and mind your way!