Good day!
Did you do the recommended "homework" from the last post?! It takes continuous effort to dig out the mental dross. Refining our thought-habits won't happen overnight but every effort tells the subconscious that we are moving in a new direction! In the end it will be so worthwhile!
I shall continue the story from when I was seven. The thought not to trust people started a "seed" in Mind that slowly started to grow. I continuously watered this Seed with more thoughts, and fertilized it with negative emotions. I looked at the world not as it was but how I perceived it to be. The Buddha said, "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." Our world is actually our perceptions! This is the Illusion that the great spiritual teachers warned about. Now, mind you, I am not referring to the actual physical world. My world became one of distrust, abuse, fear, and all manner of evil because that is how I thought about it. The consequence of all this was a continual descent into isolation. I couldn't see the good in people. There was always an ulterior motive (I thought anyway) to be found. There actually wasn't but the events leading up to this point "convinced" me of the fact! So you can see how runaway thoughts lead to a certain type of madness, and we're all doing this to ourselves in one way or another! As a person thinks, so they become.
This week let us take action against one emotional-thought-habit that we indulge. There is one particular way that we re-act to the world. Be Mindful and every time that arises, stop it. This will be difficult at first. The thing I did to overcome was to immediately tell my mind to stop, this is not how I am going to be now and would replace it with the thought of how I wanted to be now! I know it might sound silly (I certainly felt silly at first) but persevere and you will be rewarded with some peace in that area. The emotional impact of the thought-habit will lessen in time and you WILL start to see things more clearly!
Mind your Way, and I wish you all the best!
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